Straight Dope on Medicine: Excess Deaths

Excess deaths.

That is the language used to capture what is going on in the world today.

Many causes factor into this category. They are suicide, drug overdoses, heart conditions, delaying or canceling elective procedures, and vaccines. In the UK, excess deaths are being chalked up to cardiovascular disease and diabetes. So says the King’s Fund.[i] Vaccines are supposed to be safe.

These aren’t.

They aren’t vaccines either.

But you aren’t supposed to know that.

Originally, Dr. Robert Malone intended what is now known as the mRNA vaccine to be gene therapy. The drawback was that the incorporation and effect were transitory.

A long time ago, in the land of 10,000 lakes, 3M came up with the post-it note. They were in the business of making glue that would bond forever and never break. However, one day in brewing up “new glue” they came upon a glue that did not adhere well. Instead of chucking it in the trash can, they redeployed it to serve as a post-it note. Post-it notes are easy to tear off and are not meant for lengthy durations.

They served the purpose well.

mRNA vaccines are the post-it notes of the gene therapy world.

Moderna and BionTech are the companies that spearheaded this technology during the advent of the Covid pandemic. This pandemic was deadly, but way overhyped. If you look at the numbers of “Covid deaths," about 6% of the figure can be chalked up to “purely Covid,” without any co-morbidity or lethal factor, like gunshot to the heart while having Covid.

It has already been established that the mRNA from these vaccines are implicated in myocarditis, pericarditis, excessive blood clots, contamination of mother’s milk and other untoward developments.

Recently, the Epoch Times tabulated 256,000 excess deaths in the United States.[ii] I like this news source. They are right leaning, but bend over backwards not to put any political spin on their reporting. Prevaricators in the media should be shunned. They are a serious news outlet, and I appreciate their work.

This figure, is non-covid excess deaths. If you add the covid numbers in, the tally is even more.

According to the human mortality database an ongoing 15% excess death rate has been in effect for 2 years.

So, if we obtain a base number and do some math, we should be able to “roughly” calculate total excess deaths. We’ll use the CDC data to begin.

Multiplying 3,383,729 by 0.15 gives us 507,559 deaths per year. Considering this began in 2020, it would amount 1,015,119 after 2 years and 1,522,678 after three years, which is this year.

A nongovernmental source, the Society of Actuaries, has a higher excess death rate of 20%, which would change it.

How this isn’t the scandal of our times, I don’t know. With a 20% excess death rate, we would have 676,746 extra deaths after one year, 1,353,492 after 2 years and 2,030,237 after 3 years.

We are talking about wiping out the population equivalents of entire states.[iii]

We aren’t alone. This year, in the UK, there was 1,564 extra deaths per week during October. It has actually been ramping up. Listen to Dr. John Campbell.

The UK is running at 15.7% excess deaths above the 5-year average, so it is very similar to our situation.

What’s more, is that the preponderance of deaths is occurring in very unlikely age groups.

People, who are in the prime of life.

Drug overdoses are skyrocketing. One reason to discourage drug use and not cave into demands to legalize drugs. These deaths are up 30% between the years 2019 and 2020. Then another 15% from 2020 to 2021.

In 2021, over 107,000 people suffered opioid deaths.

We aren’t doing anyone any favors by turning a blind eye to the scourge of drug addiction. Let it be known that addictive drug use is illegal and immoral.

Societal pressure can assist legal pressure.

Sometimes it pays to ask the right questions. I suspect that the vaccines are killing people, a lot of people. My questions would be, “What are the most vaccinated countries?”; “What are the least vaccinated countries?”; “Which countries have the most excess deaths?” and “What countries have the least excess deaths?”

Keep in mind that correlation is not causation. But it could be. The link would have to be made.

Our World in Data

The good news is that vaccination is falling off, which means that people aren’t poisoning themselves so much.

Europe is starting to connect the dots. They are figuring out that countries that have the highest vaccination compliance are also experiencing the highest amount of excess deaths. Eurostat has compiled the data.

First off, I’m questioning the accuracy of this data. Israel was one of the most energetically vaccinated country on Earth, and it is coming in the middle of the pack.

The Lancet says the figure is 80% and not 65%, so we should take that figure with a grain of salt.

Around two-thirds of Israelis have received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. 80% of the eligible population have received two doses plus a booster jab, including 90% of individuals over the age of 60 years.[iv] Israel began vaccinating 5–11-year-olds in November, 2021.

Come on Israel, don’t vaccinate your kids!![v]

Other age groups are faring better in Israel than children in Europe. It still isn’t good.

But, somehow, mysteriously, jabs and deaths accompany each other in time.

Chile reports higher numbers than both the United States and the UK.

We estimated a total of 21,699 (95%CI 21,693 to 21,704) excess deaths across the 21 cities. Overall relative excess mortality was highest in the Metropolitan (Santiago) and the North regions (28.9% and 22.2%, respectively), followed by the South and Center regions (17.6% and 14.1%). At the city-level, the highest relative excess mortality was found in the Northern cities of Calama and Iquique (around 40%).[vi]

We found a heterogeneous increase of mortality in urban areas of Chile during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the capital and Northern cities being most impacted with relative EM (excess mortality) of upwards of 20% from January 2020 to June 2021, and peaks of up to 150% in the beginning of winter 2020 in Santiago.

This is everywhere.[vii]

It’s not coming down. In Europe, it’s getting worse.

German data shows that 2020 began spiking, 2021 got worse and 2022 is surpassing both of them.

Germany is now experiencing 1,413 excess deaths per week. The latest figure is over 3,000 excess deaths per week.

Now we know who fared best and worst in the pandemic.[viii]

I’d discount any numbers coming out of China. They flat out lie and conceal. But Australia is interesting.

Now we can interject another map: vaccination rate

Just for curiosity’s sake, let’s check out the super compliant.

V-Safe Data

This is a self-reported database maintained by the CDC.[ix] For Covid shots, the number utilizing this was 10 million. Of that number, 7.7% reported that they had to be hospitalized because of the injection.[x] Another 2.5 million missed work or school because of bad reactions to the vaccine.

About 4 million of these people reported incidences of joint pain. That’s 40%. This can be an immune reaction. Of those, 400,000 were incidences of severe joint pain.

Moderna has the highest rate of adverse effects.

The United States Military is doing its best to cover up the negative outcomes from forcing their personnel to submit to the jab. It's bad. Very bad.


The Epoch Times has reported that a New Zealand-based funeral director noticed that 95% of the corpses he was seeing had received the Covid-19 mRNA shot within two weeks of their deaths.

“Ninety-five percent of the people who have passed away through the work that I’ve done have been vaccinated within two weeks,” said Brenton Faithfull.

Faithfull has had the same occupation as a funeral director for 41 years and noticed unsettling similarities between the many corpses he came across. “It’s very obvious, they die within two weeks of receiving the vaccination, a lot of them… almost appear to have died from anaphylaxis, almost a reaction straight away to the booster," he says. Anaphylaxis is described as a severe, potentially fatal allergic reaction. One study back in 2021 found that the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine had purportedly caused anaphylactic reactions in some recipients. Faithfull also adds that people have died the same day or the day after their vaccination. "This isn’t a one-off case this is the majority of cases that have come through our facility," Faithfull says.

Another mortician cites his experience in the whole affair. The renowned John O’ Looney shows us a fibrous, bloody mass collected from someone vaccinated and deceased. You can see this for yourself on Louder with Crowder.[xi] 

These morticians have thousands and thousands of examples of these clumps.

Arterial obstructions

35ppm magnesium in regular blood. In these 1.75 ppm magnesium. Potassium 193 ppm to 12.5 ppm. Iron 462 ppm compared to 20ppm in the specimens. Not ordinary blood clots. These are very tough and won’t be broken down by any anti-coagulants.

Fortunately, I’ve immersed myself in the information underground now. I like to know what is truly going on, and the truth. Corporate media doesn’t do it for me. They can keep their pre-processed lies and manipulation to themselves. I don’t want to live in their made-up fantasy world.

Being in shape or being young is no exemption from the untoward effect of these vaccines. In fact, pushing yourself, when your arteries are blocked may lead to death.

Covid itself does not cause this. A study of over 2000 long-haul Covid showed none of this. More evidence for it being the vaccine.


The disease is safer than the cure.

I got two Pfizer jabs. If I could go back in time, I would not have taken these. It’s ridiculous!

Initially I believed that the shots would be safe and beneficial. I was wrong on both accounts. When information comes in, I change my mind. It’s part of having integrity.

Like the lab-leak hypothesis, this will eventually establish itself as the truth. Right now, suppression is still prevailing. Many people are speaking out, and the evidence is overwhelming. The medical powers that be should be investigating this thoroughly and getting to the bottom of it instead of trying to bury the story.

Haven’t we had enough death in the world? We had the Covid epidemic, the post-Covid excess death pandemic and the Ukraine War.

Sudden Adult Death syndrome. Right.

Let’s do our best to stay alive and not have a vaccine genocide.






[vi] Alfaro, T., Martinez-Folgar, K., Vives, A. et al. Excess Mortality during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Cities of Chile: Magnitude, Inequalities, and Urban Determinants. J Urban Health 99, 922–935 (2022).



